Category Archives: Events

Event: Sneakerness Amsterdam – KROMHOUTHAL 14/15th May 2016

Sneakerness makes a big return to Amsterdam this weekend and in a brand new and biggest location to date in stunning Kromhouthal. That means more space for entertainment, activities, socialising and of course more Sneakers!

The event takes place on Saturday and Sunday 14th & 15th May. Contact  Sneakerness for details if you want to attend. We will be there both days on the ground taking it all in. We hope to see you there and who knows you may get asked to feature on our social media so rock some heat sneakerholics.

Event: Sneakerness Cologne


This weekend is all about Sneakerness Cologne! Taking place at X-Post on Saturday and Sunday. Sneakerpedia will be in attendance along with the Sneakerpedia Booth in which we will be showcasing the sneaker collection of Lino Miller, you can get a sneak preview of his crate here. We can’t wait for doors to open tomorrow, see you there #sneakerholics

Check this link for all event information – Sneakerness Cologne

Competition: Sneakerness Cologne Travel Package

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Another Sneakerness is fast approaching and that can only mean one thing, Competition time! However we are offering something a little extra for ONE lucky winner this time around. We are giving away 1 travel package to Sneakerness Cologne for two people. This includes flights, hotel and entry for two to the event for both days.

How to win: We want you to instagram your Top 3 sneakers in your collection, this can be any three you want; favourites, beaters, hype releases, specific models, brands. You can put it together however you want but the more creative and eye catching your pictures and descriptions the better. You must be following @sneakerpedia and be sure to tag a friend. Good luck sneakerholics!

Read on for full terms and conditions.

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Sneakerness Paris 2015 Recap

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A couple of weekends ago we were in attendance at Sneakerness Paris. After visiting the event last year we were expecting big things for 2015 and we weren’t disappointed. Taking place at the same location, the amazing Centquarte we noticed a few alterations to the space to make the event even bigger allowing more space tables, vendors, brands and most importantly sneakerheads. There were Sneakerness collaborations from Puma, Filling Pieces, Burlington and Swatch not to mention branded water and burgers, yes burgers! We must give a big shout out to the incredible amount of work that Francky.B and the Sneakerness team put in to make this the best Sneakerness yet. We can’t wait to see you next year. Please check some of the images we took over the weekend sneakerholics.

Sneakerness Paris 5/6th September – WIN TICKETS

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Next stop for Sneakerpedia and Sneakerness is PARIS! Taking place on the 5/6th September at wicked Centquarte venue. Again starting today we are giving sneakerholics a chance to win 1 of 5 pairs of tickets to Sneakerness Paris. Entry closes Wednesday 2nd September at 3PM GMT. As before head over to instagram to take part and good luck sneakerholics!

Please note this is TICKETS ONLY and travel is NOT included.

Read on for Competition Terms and Conditions

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