Sneaker Showcase: Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs New Balance iPad

The sudden passing of former Apple CEO Steve Jobs was a shock to most of the world. Although most of the public knew he was ill since he has taken leaves from his position several times in the recent past, he always returned seemingly stronger than ever to help unleash to the world innovations like the iPhone and iPad. The mastermind behind the creation and resurgence of Apple, as well as Pixar, his untimely passing left an empty feeling in the gut of those who may not have known the man, but have been affected by his work. For many the sight of Jobs was a constant thing in the ever-changing world of technology that we live in. When seen in his black turtleneck, Levi’s 501 jeans and New Balances all seemed normal with the world.

New Balance 991 Green/Black-Grey uploaded by Ghettrocentricity

New Balance 991 Green/Black-Grey uploaded by Ghettrocentricity

New Balance 991’s were the sneaker of choice for Steve Jobs, sporting the long distance running shoe for the better part of the past decade. Considered a classic, the 991 was a combination of, at the time, state of the art non-slip soles coupled with comfort and longevity. A few years back New Balance discontinued the 991 and moved on to the 992 and Jobs followed suit. But recently the 991 has rejoined the New Balance catalog as part of its “Heritage” line, maybe due to some persuading from Jobs himself.

Apple and Nike Air Zoom Moire

There was one time that Jobs was seen sporting a shoe with something other than the New Balance “N” logo on the side. This was in 2006 during the announcement of the partnership between Nike and Apple for Nike + iPod Sport Kit. He, along with Nike CEO Mark Parker, marathon world record holder Paula Radcliffe, and seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong wore the first Nike+ enabled shoe, the Zoom Moire. A little ironic because ten years prior in 1996, Jobs himself was quoted as saying, “Apple will be the Nike of consumer electronics.” Little did he know a decade later his dreams would come to fruition.

Nike Zoom Moire Black/Metallic-Silver Red uploaded by MayhemNike Zoom Moire Black/Metallic-Silver Red uploaded by MayhemNike Zoom Moire Black/Metallic-Silver Red uploaded by Mayhem

Nike Zoom Moire Black/Metallic-Silver Red uploaded by Mayhem

Although his passing left a void in many lives he touched, his legacy will live on. The image of the man in his black turtleneck, jeans and New Balance sneakers will forever be etched in the memories of millions.

2 responses to “Sneaker Showcase: Steve Jobs

  1. Steve Jobs, was a milestone for the technology the world has lost an icon, a myth.

  2. Pingback: Running Shoe Reviews

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